Wichtige Tipps zu Petra in Jordanien

visit Petra in Jordan - wichtige Tipps zu Petra in Jordanien

Du möchtest die Felsenstadt Petra besuchen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Hier bekommst du wichtige Tipps zu Petra in Jordanien! Ich werde dir jeden Rat geben, den ich kenne. Wenn du außerdem weitere Fragen hast, zögere nicht mich zu kontaktieren!
E-Mail:  samyleaves@gmail.com oder samyleaves auf Instagram.

DER jordan pass

Zu Beginn jedes Blogposts über Jordanien empfehle ich den Jordan Pass! Du sparst so viel Geld, wenn du den Jordan Pass vor deiner Reise kaufst. Denn du bezahlst nur einmalig den Jordan Pass und kannst dann kostenlos in über 40 Attraktionen in Jordanien eintreten (Petra, Wadi Rum,…). Außerdem musst du nicht einmal die Visa Gebühren bezahlen, wenn du mehr als 3 Nächte in Jordanien verbringst.

Hol ihn dir hier: https://www.jordanpass.jo

Was du jedoch wissen solltest, ist dass man eine Kreditkarte mit Secure-Verfahren benötigt, so wie zum Beispiel den MasterSecurecode bei der Mastercard.

Wie man nach Petra kommt

So you‘d like to go to the ancient city of Petra? There are busses from Amman, Wadi Rum or Aqaba leaving to Petra every day. I will add a timetable here! I think they all cost between 10-15JD one way, maybe around 20JD return and take some hours to get there. So you better plann to spend the first day using the bus, checking in into the hotel and exploring the town – please take one night there and use the next day for entering Petra early in the morning!

We went to Petra by bus from Wadi Rum and spend the evening in the town. On the second day, we explored Petra from 7am-1pm and took the bus to Amman.

Die Stadt und Unterkünfte

Some who want to visit Petra in Jordan might be wondering where exactly Petra is. It is not completely lost in the desert! The name of the town next to the ancient city of Petra is Wadi Musa.

It‘s a sweet town placed on a hill going down to the visitor center of Petra. You can find all kind of accomodations here! From hostels to bnbs to hotels – just search the internet for what fits best to you.

I can highly recommend you to stay in the Arab Tower Hotel – I’d even call it ‚luxury‘ with this good price ? (and after the camps in Wadi Rum lmao). They have an indoor/outdoor pool & jacuzzi area down in the hotel. Additionally, you have an amazing view from the rooftop bar (plus good food) & even from some rooms. They gave one to us automatically, but I‘m sure if it‘s not fully booked, you can ask if you get one with a view ☺️

They offer a free shuttle to the visitor center where you can entrance Petra.

You can also walk down the hill within 20mins by feet ?

Der Eingang und die Kosten

You can find Petra Visitor Center in Google Maps. Here is where you have to go and where you‘ll start. There are restrooms, food & beverage and souvenir shops. You need to buy a ticket here.

A ticket for Petra is: 50JD for one day, 55JD for two days, 60JD for three days. So I recommend you to take more than one day ☝? If you have the Jordan Pass, you don‘t have to buy anything here. But watch out, when you buy the Jordan Pass, you have to choose how many days you want to go into Petra.

Ein Tag in Petra

If you want to visit Petra in Jordan, you better start early in the morning to avoid the major crowds. Starting from the entrance, it takes around 6 hours to go to the monastery and back, if you are tough ??

We walked the way from 7am-1pm. We hurried, but took enough time for photos everywhere. There are lots of other things to see, but it depends on how much time you have.

Petra, Jordanien

Wichtige Tipps zu Petra in Jordanien: Abreise

The bus station is right next to the visitor center – just a few steps up the street! The busses leave to Amman, Aqaba and Wadi Rum.

Hilfreiche Tipps

A small hint: The people in Petra want your money. This is normal, because there are tons of visitors every year who leave their money there. Please don’t think the people in Petra are what is typical Jordanian – because of tourism, they are NOT like typical friendly and heartwarming Jordanians.

Also please don‘t use the ‚animal taxis‘ – this is so cruel.. The poor donkeys are walking up the stairs like stupid machines, and the people hit them and thrill them ?

Soll ich PETRA in Jordanien besuchen?

Zusammengefasst: JA, jeder der nach Jordanien reist, sollte Petra einen Besuch abstatten! ?

Ich denke jeder, der reisesüchtig ist, sollte wenigstens einmal in seinem Leben dieses Weltwunder sehen ☺️?

Petra, Jordanien

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